"My Immortal"
"The Dark Lord shall kill all of you. Then you must submit to him!"
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Edited by Jacob

Chapter 38

AN: what does everyone think if I end the story and then I add some more to it after vacation? Oh yeah, and preps stop flaming. If you don't like the story then take my quiz, ok; then you will see if you're gothic or not!

Satan and I walked to his car. It was a black car with pentagrams all over it. The license plate said 666 just like Draco's car. I went in it seductively. Satan started to drive it. We talked about Satanism (lols, he was named after Satan), cutting, music and being gothic.

"Oh my Satan, Gerard is so fucking hot!" Satan agreed as we smoked some weed. (Because bisexual guys are hot; they are so sensitive. I love them lol *goes and fuck a bisexual guy*)

"Haha, I totally decided not to commit suicide when I heard Helena." I said in a flirty voice. "...Hey Satan, do you know the cure for when people are addicted to Voldemortserum?"

"Well..." he thought. "I think you have to drink Vampire blood."

Suddenly Satan parked the car behind a black movie theater. Satan and I walked outside. We went into the movie theater where they were showing The Exorcist. In it, a boy and a girl were doing it; suddenly, a serial killer came. Satan and I laughed at the blood because we're sadists.

While Satan was watching the movie, I had an idea. I took Satan's gothic black Nightmare Before Christmas cigar sexily from his pocket and put some Amnesia potion in it. I put it back in his black Emily the Strange bag. Satan turned around and started to smoke it. Black clouds with red pentagrams in them started to fly around everywhere.

"OH MY GOD!" Satan said, jumping up. I gasped, because I was afraid he'd noticed. "Ebony, guess what?"

I knew that the amnesia had worked.

"Amnesia potion has not been invented yet, so it will not work." he said. "Too bad, because I wanted to use some on you."

"Cool." I raised my eye suggestingly. And then... he took off my clothes sexily, and we started to make out. I took off his shirt. He had a six-pack, just like Gerard Way! We frenched.

"Excuse me, but you are going to have to leave!" shouted the lady behind us. She was a prep.

"Fuck you!" I said. Suddenly... I attacked her, sucking all her blood.

"Noooooo!" she screamed. All the preps in the theater screamed, but everyone else clapped because Satan and I looked so cute together. Satan and I started to walk outside.

"Oh my god, how did you do that?" Satan asked in a turned-on voice.

"I'm a vampire." I said as we went into the car.

"Seriously?" he gasped.

"Yeah seriously." I said, drinking some beer. Satan started to drive the car. I smiled happily.

"It's too bad we didn't get to see the rest of the movie, don't you think?"

"Yeah." I said as we kissed passively. Satan parked in a black driveway next to the place where Draco and I had watched Good Charlotte for the first time. We went inside where Marilyn Manson was playing and started to mosh.

"Antipeople now you've gone too far, here's your antichrist Superstar!1111" screamed Marilyn on the stage. We did the Devil's sign. I started to dance really close to Satan. He was so sexy! He looked at me all emo with his gothic red eyes and he looked exactly like Mikey Way. I almost got an orgasm! Suddenly Marilyn Manson stopped singing.

"I would like to present... XBlakXTearX!" he said. I ran onstage. Lucian, Samaro, Snape and Sirius were there. They started to play their instruments. I got onstage.

"Well if you wanted honesty thats all you had to say!" I sang. (I don't own the lyrics to that song) My voice sounded like a cross between Amy Lee and a girl version of Gerard Way. Everyone clapped. Satan got an erection. "I'M NOT OKAY!" I sang finally. Suddenly Lucian started playing the song wrong by mistake.

"Oh my fucking god!" yelled James. "What the fuck?"

"Woops, I'm sorry!" said Lucian.

"You fucking asshole!" James shouted angrily.

"You guys are such preps!" Snape said. "Come on; it was a mistake!"

"Yeah, its not his fault!" said Sirius.

"No! He ruined the fucking song!" yelled Samaro.

"You guys, stop!" I shouted angrily, but it was too late. They all began to fight. All of a sudden, Samaro took out his knife.

"Oh my fucking god, no!" shouted Lucian, but it was too late; James tried to shoot off his arm.

And then... I jumped sexily in front of the bullet!

"No!" yelled everyone, but it was too late. Suddenly everything went black.

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