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Edited by Janis

Chapter 43

AN: I think after this I will have about 2 or three more chapters. Thanks to all my reviewers not those flamers. If you flamed this story, then you suck! If you flame, then fuck you!

I walked sexily into the Great Hall. It was empty except for one person. Draco was there! He sat there in deadly bloom in his blak 666 t-shirt and his baggy black pants. He had slit his wrists! I felt mad at him for having sex with Snape but I felt sorry for him. He looked just like Gerard Way with his red eyes and his pale white face.

"Draco are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm not okay." he screamed depressedly. I thought of the MCR song and I got even more depressed because that song always makes me cry. I gave him a pot cigarette and he started to smoke it.

"Oh Draco, why did you do it with that fucking bastard Snape?" I asked tearfully.

"I-" Draco began to say, but suddenly Lupin and Mr. Norris apparated into the room! They didn't see us.

"I'm so glad Snape and I were freed." said Lupin.

"Damn, this job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking students!" Mr. Norris argreed.

"Pop addelum!" I yelled angrily, pointing my wand at them.

"No!" Lupin shouted as chains came on him. Mr. Norris ran away.

"You fucking pervert." I said laughing with depths of evil and depressedness in my voice. "Now you have to tell us where Voldemort is or I'm going to torture you!"

"I don't know where he is!" said Lupin. Suddenly Satan and Vampire ran into the room. Vampire didn't know who Satan was really.

"Oh my satan, we were so worried about you guys!" Vampire said. I looked sexily at Draco with his gothic red eyes with contacts, black t-shirt that said 666 on it and pale skin like Gerard Way, Vampire with his sexy black hair and red eyes just like Frank Iero, and Satan who looked just like Brandan Urie then.

I secretly took the camera from my pocket. And then... I began frenching Draco sexily. lupin gasped. Draco began to take all of his clothes off and I could see his white six-pack. Then Vampire took his own clothes off too. We all began making out together sexily. I took off my black leather bra, my black lace thong and the rest of my clothes. Everyone took their cocks out except for me; I'm a girl. "Oh my Satan! Draco!" I screamed as he put his hardness in my thingy. Then he did the same thing to Harry. I began making out with Satan and he joined in. "Oh my Satan!" cried Vampire. "Oh Vampire! Vampire!" I screamed . "Oh Satan!" yelled Harry in pleasure. Lupin watched in shock. We took turns doing torture curses on him because we were all sadists. Suddenly...

...A big black car that said 666 on the license plate flew straight through the windows. And Snap was in it!

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