"My Immortal"
"What have you done!"
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Tom Rid
Canon:Tom Marvolo Riddle
Total occurrences:36
First appears: Chapter 16
Character frequency:#19: Neville Dracula Longbottom
#20: Tom Rid
#21: Mr. Norris
Total frequency:#28: Having sex (orgasm, sex, etc)
#29: Tom Rid
#30: Mr. Norris
Times spoken:9
Known outfits:0
Also known as:
Tom Riddle

Table of Contents


Top Dialogue

Chapter 16 (7 quotes)

"We only have these for da real goffs."
"Yah  u wouldn't believe how many posers ther are in this town  man! Yesterday loopin and snap tried to buy a goffic camera pouch."
"I dint even no they had a camera."
"Oh my satan you have to buy that outfit "
"You know what I am gona give it to you free cause u look really hot in that utfit. Hey are you gonna be at the concert tonight?"
"Tom Rid."
"maybe I'll see you there tonight."

Chapter 37 (2 quotes)

 Oh hi  fuckers 
 Lizzen, I got u sum kewl new clovez.