"My Immortal"
" I need to wear like da hotset outfit EVA."
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B'loody Mary Smith
Canon:Hermione Granger
Total occurrences:177
First appears: Chapter 8
Character frequency:#7: Lord Voldemort
#8: B'loody Mary Smith
#9: Professor Sinister Trelawney
Total frequency:#7: Lord Voldemort
#8: B'loody Mary Smith
#9: Professor Sinister Trelawney
Times spoken:29
Known outfits:8
Also known as:
B'lody Mary
B'lody Mary
B'Loody Mairy
B'loody Mair
B'loody Mart
Blody Gothik Rose 666
Boldy Mary

Table of Contents


Top Dialogue

Chapter 10 (1 quote)

"Ebony! Are you OK?"

Chapter 12 (1 quote)

"You look kawai, girl."

Chapter 16 (12 quotes)

"Hajimemashite  gurl."
"Oh yeah  o have a confession  after she got expuld  I murdered her  and den loopin did it with her cause he's a necphilak."
"Omfg totally lets go shopping."
"I found some cool goffic stores near Hogwarts that's all."
"Yah  I saw the map for Hogsmeade on his desk."
"Come on  let's go."
"Da real goffs?"
"Yeah  it looks totlly hot."

Chapter 18 (1 quote)


Chapter 23 (2 quotes)

"Its ok gurl."
"Maybe u should ask Proffesor Sinister about what the visions mean though."

Chapter 27 (1 quote)

"Yeah  what happened?"

Chapter 31 (1 quote)

"You look fucking kawaii, bitch."

Chapter 35 (1 quote)


Chapter 36 (2 quotes)

"Oh my satan!1"
"Want 2 go to Hot Topik to shop 4 ur outfit?"

Chapter 39 (2 quotes)

"Letz go lizzen 2 GC and kut ourselvz 666!11"
"U fucking prep!11"

Chapter 40 (2 quotes)

"Letz go lizzen 2 GC and kut ourselvz 666!11"
"U fucking prep!11"

Chapter 42 (3 quotes)

"Hey  whose that, Ibony?"
"Are you okay  Satan?"
"Good luck  Tara!11"

Top Wardrobe

white makeup
gc t-shirt
black fishnet leggings
black pointy boots
tight poofy ripped gothic dress
red leather pants with black lace
black stilettos highHeels